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Thursday, February 17, 2011


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You girls are such inspirations! Any new event coming up for you?

Cycling is an exercise than can increase work productivity. It has been shown that persistent inactivity begets even more inactivity. Conversely, an active lifestyle promotes overall energy at both work and at home. Cycling is a delightful way to increase your amount of exercise and therefore boost your productivity!

The Cycle for Survival is an energetic, fantastic fundraiser done in Equinox gyms with riders raising money by cycling on stationery bikes.

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Welcome! I'm Ara from Rock Paper Scissors Events. We are re-styling the events industry by creating a way to make great design advice more accessible. This blog is a collection of the best ideas we create and come across. We're so glad you stopped by! You can visit us at www.rpscissors.com.